Workforce Development Plan 23/24

Aligned to the council’s values and four core commitments:

 Equalities, Affordability, Climate and Health



Leadership and Management

Continue good practice and prioritise good leadership and management behaviours and promote a positive culture.

·        Maintaining effective employee relations in a climate where managers and leaders can motivate and engage with employees effectively.

·        Allow managers to understand and implement limitations to services, for example to have the ability to say ‘no’ and challenge pressure that is excessive or not conducive to future delivery or sustainable.

·        Equip managers with the skills to be digitally agile and work effectively, ensuring they connect with their teams, when working in a remote environment

·        Enhance the digital information and data management offer.

·        Ensure HR policies and guidance are clear, consistent, and fit for purpose and inclusive and accessible to all.



Resilience and Wellbeing

Continue to embed good practice in respect of wellbeing and engagement to promote and maintain a safe, healthy, and resilient workforce.

·        Promoting a positive Health and Safety culture

·        Embedding appropriate and effective risk assessments.

·        Continue to support managers to manage absence.

·        Continuing our wellbeing focus to ensure employees are aware of their own health, take care of themselves and are aware of services available to assist them to do this.

·        Promotion and support of flexible working practices where possible.

·        Maintain opportunities for staff engagement activities including staff survey.




Continue to prioritise recruitment, retention, career development, pay, reward and recognition strategies, to have a resilience and robust workforce to meet the needs of services and/or community.

·        The shape and size of the organisation is fit for purpose, sustainable for projected needs and flexible enough to be responsive to change.

·        Robust Redeployment and Redundancy selection process with appropriate support for all managers and employees.

·        Ensure our approach to recruitment and retention encourages and nurtures talent, either through direct employment or other delivery models.

·        Reduce agency spend and number of agencies staff.

·        Continue to promote and embed flexible working / agile working.

·        Offering an affordable and equitable all-round package of terms and conditions of employment and benefits, regular reviewed in line legislation, national T&Cs and with MTFP.



Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion


To address inequalities in the workplace and create a more inclusive work environment.


·        Take steps to actively increase diversity in the workforce.

·        Take action to address any inequalities, including reviewing promotion, training, and retention issues.

·        Support EDI staff networks

·        Encourage employees to declare their equalities profile / protected characteristics.

·        Further develop programme of Human Rights and Equalities training / awareness for all staff and use of Equalities Analysis Tools

·        Supportive environment in respect of a zero tolerance of bullying and harassment

·        Introduce Ethnic Pay reporting.